Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Blog Post#9
"What I've Learned This Year" by Mr.McClung
In "What I've Learned This Year,"Mr.McClung discusses the things he's learned through his first year of teaching. In my opinion, it's like a mini guide to surviving the first year and not making so many mistakes like past teachers. First,he admits that a lot of teachers do not make their lessons centered around their students. Simply because they are too worried about the content they have to teach, rather than if their students actually understand the lesson. Next, he's discusses that it's okay for your lesson plan to not go smoothly. I feel more teachers should accept that because as a student, I can remember teachers rushing through lectures to keep us caught up with the other classes. Teachers have to understand that everyone isn't going to learn at the same speed. Patience is the key.Lastly,besides being patience,we must be good listeners. Many teachers think they know it all and will never accept suggestions from their students. Mr.McClung learned that his students felt he cared for them when he listened. Basically, everyone can learn from one another regardless of age differences.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Blog Post#8
Richard Miller:Part one and Part two
First off,Richard Miller's imagination is far beyond mines and I highly respect him for that.While everyone simply writes down their dreams through text,he wants to display them through the web.One day he hopes to change from a reading/writing culture to a listening/watching culture.The desktop will now be the workplace not the library.
Through incremental changes,Miller explains that our students can collaborate through text,images,and film on the web.Indeed,their final product will be documents that are printable,visual,and filled with sound.With multimedia,we can produce alternative versions and distribute them,globally.Lastly,Miller explains that there are three necessities in order for this to work.We need inspiring teachers,inspiring spaces,and inspiring pedagogues.
Personally,after watching this video,I feel rather intimated.I feel I won't instantly grasp the usage of writing with multimedia as Miller has.While this is rather scary,it motivates me at the same time to learn as much as possible about the web.I'm positive,once I receive guidance,my students will enjoy the assignments I will have them partake in through the web.It's useful to utilize the web because the material is updated constantly.In addition,with iTunes U,students can download lectures and information worldwide.By doing this,they can receive various knowledge on a particular subject.
Blog Post #12 By Carly Pugh
I personally love this Carly Pugh's ideas for her future classroom.I love her idea of utilizing YouTube by requiring her students to create a playlist.Many children may complain about the time it requires,yet in reality it's benefiting them.Indeed,it's intriguing and makes you really think.I went through her links that led me to a variety of videos that interest her.Many grasped my attention.One was "When I Grow Up."It's a video that has children state what they want to be.One child expressed that they wanted to spend money on wine and women as their dad did.Another child wanted to gamble their money away.Basically,this video shows that we have a huge influence on children.Carly Pugh's has a similar passion for using multimedia as Richard Miller possesses.They want their students to display their ideas through the web rather than through a five paragraph essay like most classrooms.
Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies
The Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies were two eye opening videos.While watching The Chipper Series,I though to myself "I definitely don't want students like Chipper."Chipper felt procrastination should mean that it's okay to turn lesson late as long as it's done.Also,Chipper complains because she doesn't want to do work,but to be taught.No student should view learning in this way.They should want to learn through work and a hands on approach.In the EDM310 for Dummies video,the message I received from it was anyone can make i through difficult classes such as EDM310.You just have to work hard,stay focused,and accept help/advice.I enjoyed both videos and I would love to contribute to a video that inspires students to accept others that may appear different.It would take place in a minority school like a Vietnamese school.Here,an American student would enter this school and be ridiculed for being different;not knowing the language.At the end of the video,the American student would discuss their experience and mixed feelings.Hopefully,this will help the dominant group understand what minority students are going through.
Learn to Change,Change to Learn
In this video,teachers describe modern day where many students use networking sites,emails and instant messaging to communicate with others and express their thoughts.However,these are all banned inside the school.Learning is experienced through technology,museums,the community,and in the classroom.In addition,the video explains that standardized testing won't be useful with our students' careers.Simply because their careers will require them to be bilingual,find and validate information,and collaborate with their coworkers.
I personally feel students need to be shown the luxuries of using technology and the never ending information that can be founded on the web.However,it's going to take more than just the teacher to make a change.We need parents and the community to utilize technology and the web for the better.Once everyone hops on board,the benefits will be endless.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Summary Project#7
What did I learn?
Since I've had at least 7 jobs,I chose jobs as my form topic.My ten questions only scratched the surface about jobs,however I was able to come up with an analysis.I first started off asking how old were my team members when they first started working.Usually,students start working around 16.My assumption was close,however, my results show that 4 out of my 7 members selected age 15.Next,I asked how many prefer to work alone or in groups.As a result,four out of seven chose groups.When asked what was their favorite job.The responses varied from Financial Aid to City Council,surprisingly, no one chose fast food.Lastly,the trick question,if they had one wish,which job would they like to be employed by.Sadly,only four out of seven chose a career dealing with school industry.
In Conclusion,I am very proud of my questions and responses.I'm grateful that everyone responded honestly and even answered if they've been fired or not.Indeed,some questions were personal,yet they were helpful in my analysis.Therefore,I've concluded that it's acceptable for teens to start working around the age of 15 for many of my fellow classmates have done the same.Also,I realized that working in groups is more preferred.I feel four out seven chose this because it's more comforting and their less targeted.However,reality check,as teachers we will be on our own majority of the time.We will be one on one with at least 20 students.All questions will be directed directly to us.Lastly,the results of their dream job worries me.Because two others chose amusement park and car dealership,I feel they may need to change their major.If their going to be future teachers,they need to be serious about this career and be focused.As for working at an amusement park or car dealership that can be a second job during the summer.Overall,I enjoyed this project.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Blog Post #7
Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture
I truly enjoyed Randy's last lecture.Throughout his entire lecture he was happy, nothing was gloomy about him. From the time he admitted he had Cancer,he kept a smile on his face reassuring us he was going to be okay.He achieved his dreams and help enable dreams of others.The video was over an hour, but well worth it.
His last lecture was centered around achieving childhood dreams.Pausch had at least 6 dreams and achieved most of them or came pretty close.I'll like to discuss two that were pretty entertaining to me.First,as a child he wanted to play in the NFL.This didn't come true,however he was coached by Jim Graham.During the years of being coached,one day Jim rode his tail.While many would take this as an negative action,Pausch viewed it as a caring action.The coach actually believed in him and had hope.In addition,he learned fundamentals and hard work through football.
Next, his dream was to be a Disney Imagineer.Therefore,after graduating from college, he wrote Disney with interest.Sadly, he was shot down and told he didn't meet the qualifications.This was a brick wall placed between him and his dream. However,this did not hinder him.Instead he met with Jon Snoody,man who was working with the Alladin Project at Disney.They met for lunch and he questioned him about the project.Surprisingly,he became a member of the Alladin project after getting to know Snoody.Indeed,this project allowed engineers and artists to work together.Determination finally paid off.
Finally,Randy allowed life to teach him more than just a few life lessons.He learned that life has brick walls.Brick walls are there to prove how badly we want things.Some people conquer these brick walls,while others give up and remain behind.Also,it's up to us to always stay true to loyalty,helping others,and achieving our childhood dreams because you never know when your last lecture will be.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Project #10
Since the fist week of class,I have been working on my PLN.I chose Symbaloo to organize websites that are beneficial.The first column consists of nothing,but websites dealing with EDM310.The second column contains 4 videos and readings that stood out to during the class assignments.For instance,a link to Mr.Winkle Wakes is on there. Also,I have a link to the class blog.By doing this,I have no excuse to miss any "special assignments."So far Symbaloo has made this class less stressful.
Comment 4 teachers #2
Teaching as a dynamic activity
June 12,2011,Capture the flag
The teacher starts off describing his night as a grown up. His wife and him didn't utilize their laptops till their son went to bed. Indeed, before that, they spent the entire day outside away from technology.Later, he describes a day as being a child; the day he played Capture the flag. He reminisces on the fun he had without technology. They stayed outside climbing trees,running,and hopping fences.Life was good!I'm only 20, but I can totally relate. Hopscotch and jump roping was my expertise.Sadly,today as I drive through my neighborhood,I don't see much of that and kids are getting younger by the day with iPhones.
June 16,2011,Contextualizing Value-added
In this post,the teacher discusses how in the "standardized testing world" only certain things matter.Those things are covered by a certain test.His problem with the system is that teachers are expected to bring certain values.Therefore,he lists his proposal.First,teachers choose at least one of their goals for students to study each year.Second,Professional development days are dedicated to teachers being able to research how they might promote their chosen goal.Third,teachers identify how they will track progress concerning their goal.Finally,teachers will summarize results.I love the fact that he's challenging the testing system.Teachers don't have to agree with everything that they are required to do.If teachers were able to asses their students on their desired content,parents would receive much better feedback on their children.Like the author states,the key here is giving teachers choices in how and what they improve.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Blog Post #6
The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler
Wendy Drexler is a connectivism teacher who believes in a theory of learning based on the premise that knowledge exists in the world rather than in the head of an individual.Through social networking, her students will make new connections with others virtually and strengthen their learning process.Students build personal networks.They learn how to research information that is credible.A networked student can utilizes Itunes8 and downloads podcasts from the best professors around the world.The options are never ending for they can Skye teachers and do interviews.
My reaction to this video was not negative, rather than excitement to start a journey of embracing technology. Many teachers are scared of the 21st century network student simply because they feel they will no longer be needed. However, I never feared that and Wendy Drexler doesn't either. Students will always needs teachers for back up.We're their backbone in education.We will help them build their networks, offer them guidance,and teach them to respectfully ask for feedback from experts.I predict us never becoming useless.
A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (or PLN)
First off,personal learning environment is systems that help learners take control of and manage their own learning.It allows them to set their own learning goals,manage their learning,and communicate with others in the process of learning.Symbaloo is the best website for people to organize and access their most prized possession,websites.The 7th grader utilizes this website completely. She has personals up top and class work at the bottom. However, mines is all over the place. I'll probably reorganize mines now. I have various social websites like Facebook and Twitter just as her. Also, I have previous blogs and videos saved for future references once I'm a teacher. Overall, a personal learning environment is much needed in order to remain sane.
Critiques of Smartboards
In,Why are We Still Wasting Money on Whiteboards,? Bill Ferriter discusses better ways we can utilize thousands of dollars on technology other than on whiteboards.He knew a principal that recently spent $18,000 on 6 whiteboards. He was disgusted and therefore created 5 different ways to spend the total amount.He explained you could buy 75 netbook computers,87 iTouches,360 Livescribe Pens,7 Years of Poll Everywhere subscriptions,and 36 years of VoiceThread subscriptions.While there are many opposers,there are many for whiteboards.Sadly,Bill Ferriter had nothing positive to say about whiteboards.In a blog titled, How Do Interactive Whiteboards Influence Teaching?,a blogger expresses the positive outcome of purchasing a whiteboard.First,students can engage in a variety of multimedia,including image projection and playing audio and video.Secondly,teachers use an electronic pen and can save notes for later use.In addition,there often used in well developed countries like Untied Kingdom.
Retrieved information from The Eye On Education Blog
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Blog Post #5
Eagle Nest Radio & Class Blog
Eagle Nest Radio consists of third grade students that are very comfortable with the use of technology. Their podcast topic was on Ancient Romans.After listening,I was surprised to hear how well they pronounced their words.They introduction was very informative and they transitioned smoothly.Before another student held their discussion,the previous student introduced them.Also,throughout the podcast, they explained terms and gave great descriptions.Lastly,I noticed the background music match the theme of Romans,which was a plus.This podcast is very motivational.
The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom by Joe Dale
First off this podcast came with a video and text,which was very helpful.Therefore, I read and watched the video in order to receive the full benefits.It was very informative and I learned tons.First off,I learned the term Millennial.This term described anyone that was born after 1980.If born after 1980, you have not experienced life without technology or a personal computer.Today,Millannials are what we're teaching.Therefore, it's beneficial if we use podcast in our classrooms.A podcast promotes their creativity and innovation.Also, teachers will be able to interact with other students outside the classroom,which is a plus.Lastly,it also benefits parents for they can see and hear the progress their students are making.
Judy Scharf Podcast Collection
Before EDM310,I never ever heard of a podcast.I didn't know the purpose of it or how to utilize it. However, after beginning my podcast in Dr.Strange's class and reading Judy's podcast collection, I am no longer confused.Judy explains that podcast is a cross between "broadcast" and "iPod."It's similar to a radio style talk show.I like her description of podcast and will explain it similar when introducing it to my students. hen you think about, talk shows are always fun to watch,so I feel that would intrigue them.Lastly,she advises that the students should spend enough time learning Audacity. I agree with advice because everyone isn't obsessed with technology as some people make it seem.Overall,I received great advice.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Special Assignment #1
1.Did you know about WolframAlpha?
Before being assigned to this special assignment. I only knew about search engines like Google and Ask. Sadly, I never knew about a computational knowledge engines.However, now I feel my intelligence has been upgraded. WolframAlpha uses built in knowledge from experts to give specific answers/calculations for specific questions the world is curious to know. From technical questions to simple questions like how many calories is in ten M&Ms.The questions are unlimited.
2.Did you know about Google Squared?
Again, I knew about Google, however, I never knew about Google Squared. On this website, you simply put in a word like "Countries" and you're displayed columns and rows of information. For instance, there's names of countries with images,their capital, and even their currency. The an awesome addition to Google Squared is the fact you can add other categories that aren't displayed.
3.What percentage of China's population is the population of the United States?
(Received help from Allie)
4. What percentage of India's population is the population of the United States?
5.Now what do you think of the facts reported in Did You Know?
Did You Know was published Oct 21, 2008,therefore, at the time the information was accurate.However, it's 2011, and the facts(numbers)have changed.Yet,there was one fact that I totally believe will happen, if not already.Students that attend a four year college; the first two years of information they obtain will be outdated.
6.Do you think WolframAlpha and Google Squared will be useful for you? for your students? Why or why not?
WolfranAplha and Google Squared will be highly useful for my students and I. While in college, I will definitely utilize WolframAplha, however I won't use it with my elementary students. I feel it's more for an older audience and more difficult to understand. It would be useful when doing mathematical calculations that's about the sixth grade level. While Google Squared is simple and organized with columns and rows. Indeed, elementary students see this often in their textbooks.Therefore, it will be easier for them to search/find the correct answer.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Blog Post # 4
Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please? by Scott McLeod.
Scott Mcleod is an Associate Professor in the Education Administration Program at the Iowa State University. He's also the co-creator of Did You Know? Lastly, his blogs can be found on Dangerously Irreverent at BigThink.com.Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please? is a very creative poem that uses sarcasm to get a point across. It took me half way through it to realize that he's for technology.In the poem, he mentions the dangers of the internet. Sadly, many people think that computers are only being used for cyber bullying and sexting.However, in reality, all it takes is students that are responsible, well educated about computer usage,and interested in new advancements.
Finally,it has been two years since this has been published and I still feel enough people have not yet read Scott Mcleod post. There's so much negativity when it comes to technology. Therefore, I think teachers and Principals should read this poem that first day there's as PTA. Just by doing that, more parents and guardians will become less ignorant. A job well done and his post is now marked as a favorite on my laptop. It will definitely been seen by my future parents.
The iSchool Initiativ
After watching the iSchool Initiative, I have created a positive and negative list. Overall, as a future teacher, I feel this program is only looking out for the students. Yes,teachers are being cut yearly and classrooms are becoming larger. However, that doesn't mean we need to upgrade to iSchool, where a student's lesson is on an iTouch. If everything is at their fingertips, I feel there's no point in future teachers going to college for 4 to 5 years, instead they should go a year or so.Indeed,all college courses should be computer and iTouch required. Where we only learn how to upload,setup,and send lessons via iTouch.So not having it!
Also, here's my positive and negative list of opinions. For positive, I like the Classics app, which would allow students to read books like Shakespeare and
Hamlet anytime they feel. Also, I like the ihomework app. It appears very useful for it breaks down the coursework with due dates and details. However, I don't like the U.S.A Presidents' App. I feel that won't be very helpful when helping students get a full understanding of history and the great people that contributed to it. Instead, it could be useful while doing a worksheet.
You Can't Be my Teacher By Darren Cannel
One word to describe this video..entertaining! I totally agree with Darren' son that if teachers don't know how to use the internet, then they shouldn't be anyone's teacher.As I watched the video, I thought back to my years in elementary school. Sadly, Darren's son wouldn't approve of any of my teachers. When we used the computer, we only did assignments that were downloaded to the computer. We were never allowed on the internet. Probably because my teacher was scared of the internet his/herself.
I made it to the eight grade before I was required to do an online project. It was for a science class and after completion, we were required to send it to our teacher via email. Surprisingly, that was all the internet usage that was required. Today, teachers need to do more than just that because it seems each year younger children are learning to utilize the internet. Therefore, we should too before other students like Darren Cannel's son tell us "you can't be my teacher.
Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir
Incredible is the first word that popped into my head after watching this video. First off, I'm fairly technology literate,but Whitacre must be on the genius level of technology to create such an awesome video. I really wish I could meet him in person. I just want to pick his brain for awhile. I know this video was time consuming, but well rewarding.
Honestly, this video motivates me to learn and receive as much guidance as possible in EDM310 and other classes. If it doesn't motivate you, I have one question. Were your eyes close while watching? Anyhow, this video will also be added to the favorites. I think ,tonight, I'll be showing it off to a few close friends.
Teaching in the 21st Century
For many years, the only method for teaching was spitting back facts, theories, and dates, however, times are changing. Students can now find anything at anytime by using cellphones, Twitter, You Tube, Google,etc. You see the list goes on ans on.Actually, someone is out there right now creating a new website that could be very useful in the near future. Like the video states " teachers are no longer the main source, we only filter."
In the 21st Century, teachers need to take risks, start small, and collaborate with others. By doing this, we will become better equipped teachers for our technology loving students. Also, we should not always dwell on questions from the textbook. We should start requiring students to answer life's questions and find solutions to life's problems.As of now, lets start rethinking the questions we ask students to answer/resolve.
Scott Mcleod is an Associate Professor in the Education Administration Program at the Iowa State University. He's also the co-creator of Did You Know? Lastly, his blogs can be found on Dangerously Irreverent at BigThink.com.Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please? is a very creative poem that uses sarcasm to get a point across. It took me half way through it to realize that he's for technology.In the poem, he mentions the dangers of the internet. Sadly, many people think that computers are only being used for cyber bullying and sexting.However, in reality, all it takes is students that are responsible, well educated about computer usage,and interested in new advancements.
Finally,it has been two years since this has been published and I still feel enough people have not yet read Scott Mcleod post. There's so much negativity when it comes to technology. Therefore, I think teachers and Principals should read this poem that first day there's as PTA. Just by doing that, more parents and guardians will become less ignorant. A job well done and his post is now marked as a favorite on my laptop. It will definitely been seen by my future parents.
The iSchool Initiativ
After watching the iSchool Initiative, I have created a positive and negative list. Overall, as a future teacher, I feel this program is only looking out for the students. Yes,teachers are being cut yearly and classrooms are becoming larger. However, that doesn't mean we need to upgrade to iSchool, where a student's lesson is on an iTouch. If everything is at their fingertips, I feel there's no point in future teachers going to college for 4 to 5 years, instead they should go a year or so.Indeed,all college courses should be computer and iTouch required. Where we only learn how to upload,setup,and send lessons via iTouch.So not having it!
Also, here's my positive and negative list of opinions. For positive, I like the Classics app, which would allow students to read books like Shakespeare and
Hamlet anytime they feel. Also, I like the ihomework app. It appears very useful for it breaks down the coursework with due dates and details. However, I don't like the U.S.A Presidents' App. I feel that won't be very helpful when helping students get a full understanding of history and the great people that contributed to it. Instead, it could be useful while doing a worksheet.
You Can't Be my Teacher By Darren Cannel
One word to describe this video..entertaining! I totally agree with Darren' son that if teachers don't know how to use the internet, then they shouldn't be anyone's teacher.As I watched the video, I thought back to my years in elementary school. Sadly, Darren's son wouldn't approve of any of my teachers. When we used the computer, we only did assignments that were downloaded to the computer. We were never allowed on the internet. Probably because my teacher was scared of the internet his/herself.
I made it to the eight grade before I was required to do an online project. It was for a science class and after completion, we were required to send it to our teacher via email. Surprisingly, that was all the internet usage that was required. Today, teachers need to do more than just that because it seems each year younger children are learning to utilize the internet. Therefore, we should too before other students like Darren Cannel's son tell us "you can't be my teacher.
Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir
Incredible is the first word that popped into my head after watching this video. First off, I'm fairly technology literate,but Whitacre must be on the genius level of technology to create such an awesome video. I really wish I could meet him in person. I just want to pick his brain for awhile. I know this video was time consuming, but well rewarding.
Honestly, this video motivates me to learn and receive as much guidance as possible in EDM310 and other classes. If it doesn't motivate you, I have one question. Were your eyes close while watching? Anyhow, this video will also be added to the favorites. I think ,tonight, I'll be showing it off to a few close friends.
Teaching in the 21st Century
For many years, the only method for teaching was spitting back facts, theories, and dates, however, times are changing. Students can now find anything at anytime by using cellphones, Twitter, You Tube, Google,etc. You see the list goes on ans on.Actually, someone is out there right now creating a new website that could be very useful in the near future. Like the video states " teachers are no longer the main source, we only filter."
In the 21st Century, teachers need to take risks, start small, and collaborate with others. By doing this, we will become better equipped teachers for our technology loving students. Also, we should not always dwell on questions from the textbook. We should start requiring students to answer life's questions and find solutions to life's problems.As of now, lets start rethinking the questions we ask students to answer/resolve.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Project #3
I was assigned Art Viewer and sadly her last post was April 21, 2011.I commented on a post last Wednesday, but she still hasn't approved it. Anyhow, the recent post, The Finished Coke Bottle, is very comforting to ones eyes. The colors bring a sense of warmth and feel of home. I say this because my grandmother kept Cokes in her fridge. Also, I like the fact that the Coke is nameless, yet I know the flavor due to a lemon and lime laying next to the product.
Next,her most recent post after April 21st, was April 7th known as Sculptor. Here she posted 16 pictures of her students' works created out of clay. I must say they did an awesome job since she mentioned this was only their second time.There was one piece that looked like a turtle with wings. It caught my eye because it looked mystical. Lastly, I noticed a molding of the main character from the movie Nightmare Before Christmas.Let me say this, as a child seeing the commercial of this movie scared the living lights out of me. Yet, now it only intrigues me and makes me want to go rent it on DVD.Overall, her students did an awesome job and showed great creativity.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Blog Post #3
Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today
A Vision of Students Today addresses the many problems college students face daily. From buying expensive books to being only a face in the crowd to their teachers, college is stressful. This video captures my college experience exactly as if they took a snapshot of my life. In order to attend USA and stay on campus, I have Financial Aid and even loans, therefore, I can relate to one student expressing that their in $20,000 debt. In addition, I can relate to having a huge class size. In Biology 101 and 102, it was at least 80 students to one teacher. Since it was a massive amount, we never learned actively; only took down notes.
Also, I would like to add to this video a few extra details about college. Non campus students may want to attend class everyday, but may not have transportation. However, if they do have a car, gas adds to the finances of a computer, books, and lab fees. Therefore, it's a plus to have the technology needed for a particular class offered in an abundance from the college. For instance, EDM310 has a lab filled with all the technology we need in order to pass the class. As a result, no student shouldn't fail and college will be less stressful.
"It's Not About the Technology" by Kelly Hines
Today, many people believe that technology is the key to improving students' learning. This belief is true, however it takes technology and teachers in order to be effective. Kelly Hines expresses that yes we need computers, iPods, wireless internet, blogs, and wikis to fulfill the curriculum. However, teachers need to remember four things to leave a positive impact on their students. I will definitely remind myself of her "four things" throughout my years of teaching.
First instance, she mentions that teachers must be learners. We should be up to date on current tools, research, and trends. I totally agree Kelly Hines because I had a teacher that had a chalkboard and a dry erase board. Guess what? She only used the chalkboard. It was like she was frighten to become accustom to new tools. Lastly, I'll never forget her explanation of why learning and teaching is not the same thing. We should remember that if a student has not learned, no teaching has been done.
Karl Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
Karl Fisch is a blunt teacher who doesn't care what others think. I like this quality about him because he keeps it "real." In his blog, he expressed his thoughts about technologically illiterate teachers. Firstly, I like the fact that he addressed that more and more people are ignorant about technology. They'll admit they don't know how to utilize it.Yet, they are content with this disgrace. Sadly, they aren't even willing to make an effort to learn about technology that will help improve their social and economic status.
Karl Fisch really hooked me into his post when he made a comparison. Many years ago, people received citizenship and more economic success due to knowing how to read and write. Just as today, students will be more successful economically if they are technologically literate. Therefore, I feel teachers shouldn't be hired or rehired if they aren't technologically literate. Indeed, we must remember being a teacher is a life long learning process.
Gary Hayes Social Media Count
When first arriving on the page, Gary's Social Media caught me by surprise. For a few minutes, I scrolled up and down the page, searching for a video or a post filled with opinions and little facts. However, I found a blog with tons of facts and numbers changing constantly. This blog is simple, yet it can bring many teachers to reality about their career. Basically, social media counts and we need to hop on board before it leaves us behind.
Gary's count displays the massive, on going growth of every social media known to mankind at the moment. It displays Facebook,IPhones, IPhone apps,You Tube, Twitter, and the list goes on. You see when our students arrive to class, most likely they will own an account with these medias. As a result, it's up to us to stay up to date. It's up to us to have lessons that require the usage of these medias as Dr. Strange does. By doing this, we will grasp our students' interest.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Blog Post #2
Did You Know By: Karl Fisch
Did You Know by Karl Fisch is a very interesting video on You Tube filled with knowledge and facts. A very interesting fact was that people have 10-14 jobs by the age of 38. At the age of 38, you're not very old and to think about 10-14 jobs makes me exhausted. But to think about it I'm 20 and have went through 6 jobs already. I've worked at McDonald,Foosackly's, Hardee's, Chuck E.Cheese, Olive Garden, and Chik-Fil-A within 4 years of my life, wow!
Also, it recognized online dating for 1 out of 8 people have met online. Surprisingly, I have met a past boyfriend online and my friends can say the same. I feel online dating is growing in the world because people are more comfortable to approach someone on the web rather then in person. In addition,it's easier to physically express their feelings through text.In Conclusion, this video is very knowledgeable and can be used as an ice breaker in technology classes and even history classes.
Mr. Winkle Wakes By: Mathew Needleman
Today, we have so many technologies that appear difficult to the average human. In my opinion, many people feel that in order to utilize these technologies, they must be doctors and engineers. Therefore, when Mr. Winkle awakes he notices people using web cams to speak to people half across the world. He notices hospital machines keeping people breathing.
However, when Mr. Winkle arrives at school it's still operating like it did a 100 years ago. The students are passive for they take notes and listen to the teacher. There's no involvement from the students; there's no feedback! This satirical video should be viewed by old and new teachers that are against technology. Hopefully, it would open their eyes and bring them to reality. If more teachers are trained to utilize new technology, there would be more impressive test scores, greater enrollment in college, and more college graduates.
Importance of Creativity By: Ken Robinson
Ken Robinson is very humorous throughout the video as he discusses how schools are lacking behind on creativity. He define creativity as original ideas that are made from seeing things/ways differently. He feels creativity is just as important as literacy. However, in school, arts are at the bottom of the education hierarchy. Which is true because in high school, dance ,for example, was considered a elective not an actual core class.
Lastly, Ken Robinson expresses that the education system needs to nurture creativity rather than undermine it. I totally agree with him because I have a friend that's awesome in the arts area. However, her parents and our high school counselor suggested that it's best she have a back up plan because she'll never receive a job in that area. Those type of opinions should never be expressed for they only discourage others. As a future teacher, I hope to help students academically and with their creativity rather than show favoritism towards one.
Cecelia Gault(Young Students in Finland) Interviews Sir Ken Robinson
The United States needs to step it up for Finland had better grades in Reading, Science, and Math. Their drop out rate is less than 1 percent, while the Unites States is 25. During this video, Cecelia Gault does an impressive job interviewing Sir Ken Robinson. Her questions are intelligent and on a much higher level than questions her United States' peers would've asked. So why is Cecelia and Finland's students more successful?
Finland's students and teachers are technology literate! As a result, in order to ensure our students have an excellent education as Cecelia,. We need to remember that younger people understand and can relate to technology. Therefore, we should utilize it within class lectures and assignments. We must have a balance between the Science and Art curriculum. Lastly, we need to remember there's various definitions of intelligence for Sir Ken Robinson explains that intelligence is making sense of what's around you.
Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts By: Vicki Davis
First off, I'll like to say a job well done to Vicki Davis! Throughout the entire video, every single student appeared enthusiastic and ready to learn. I want my students react the same way to new technology. Vicki Davis explains that everyone can't learn with only pencil and paper. This could be one reason why there's only a select few that graduate at the top of their class.
Next, I like the fact that she uses new terms and has the students define it from the web. She doesn't just hand them everything with directions, instead she lets them discover new things. Also, she uses Flat Classroom Project, where the students learn new technology trends by interacting with students across the world. She has really inspired me and I plan on empowering my students with technology.
Did You Know by Karl Fisch is a very interesting video on You Tube filled with knowledge and facts. A very interesting fact was that people have 10-14 jobs by the age of 38. At the age of 38, you're not very old and to think about 10-14 jobs makes me exhausted. But to think about it I'm 20 and have went through 6 jobs already. I've worked at McDonald,Foosackly's, Hardee's, Chuck E.Cheese, Olive Garden, and Chik-Fil-A within 4 years of my life, wow!
Also, it recognized online dating for 1 out of 8 people have met online. Surprisingly, I have met a past boyfriend online and my friends can say the same. I feel online dating is growing in the world because people are more comfortable to approach someone on the web rather then in person. In addition,it's easier to physically express their feelings through text.In Conclusion, this video is very knowledgeable and can be used as an ice breaker in technology classes and even history classes.
Mr. Winkle Wakes By: Mathew Needleman
Today, we have so many technologies that appear difficult to the average human. In my opinion, many people feel that in order to utilize these technologies, they must be doctors and engineers. Therefore, when Mr. Winkle awakes he notices people using web cams to speak to people half across the world. He notices hospital machines keeping people breathing.
However, when Mr. Winkle arrives at school it's still operating like it did a 100 years ago. The students are passive for they take notes and listen to the teacher. There's no involvement from the students; there's no feedback! This satirical video should be viewed by old and new teachers that are against technology. Hopefully, it would open their eyes and bring them to reality. If more teachers are trained to utilize new technology, there would be more impressive test scores, greater enrollment in college, and more college graduates.
Importance of Creativity By: Ken Robinson
Ken Robinson is very humorous throughout the video as he discusses how schools are lacking behind on creativity. He define creativity as original ideas that are made from seeing things/ways differently. He feels creativity is just as important as literacy. However, in school, arts are at the bottom of the education hierarchy. Which is true because in high school, dance ,for example, was considered a elective not an actual core class.
Lastly, Ken Robinson expresses that the education system needs to nurture creativity rather than undermine it. I totally agree with him because I have a friend that's awesome in the arts area. However, her parents and our high school counselor suggested that it's best she have a back up plan because she'll never receive a job in that area. Those type of opinions should never be expressed for they only discourage others. As a future teacher, I hope to help students academically and with their creativity rather than show favoritism towards one.
Cecelia Gault(Young Students in Finland) Interviews Sir Ken Robinson
The United States needs to step it up for Finland had better grades in Reading, Science, and Math. Their drop out rate is less than 1 percent, while the Unites States is 25. During this video, Cecelia Gault does an impressive job interviewing Sir Ken Robinson. Her questions are intelligent and on a much higher level than questions her United States' peers would've asked. So why is Cecelia and Finland's students more successful?
Finland's students and teachers are technology literate! As a result, in order to ensure our students have an excellent education as Cecelia,. We need to remember that younger people understand and can relate to technology. Therefore, we should utilize it within class lectures and assignments. We must have a balance between the Science and Art curriculum. Lastly, we need to remember there's various definitions of intelligence for Sir Ken Robinson explains that intelligence is making sense of what's around you.
Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts By: Vicki Davis
First off, I'll like to say a job well done to Vicki Davis! Throughout the entire video, every single student appeared enthusiastic and ready to learn. I want my students react the same way to new technology. Vicki Davis explains that everyone can't learn with only pencil and paper. This could be one reason why there's only a select few that graduate at the top of their class.
Next, I like the fact that she uses new terms and has the students define it from the web. She doesn't just hand them everything with directions, instead she lets them discover new things. Also, she uses Flat Classroom Project, where the students learn new technology trends by interacting with students across the world. She has really inspired me and I plan on empowering my students with technology.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
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