Sunday, June 5, 2011

Blog Post #2

Did You Know By: Karl Fisch

question marks

Did You Know by Karl Fisch is a very interesting video on You Tube filled with knowledge and facts. A very interesting fact was that people have 10-14 jobs by the age of 38. At the age of 38, you're not very old and to think about 10-14 jobs makes me exhausted. But to think about it I'm 20 and have went through 6 jobs already. I've worked at McDonald,Foosackly's, Hardee's, Chuck E.Cheese, Olive Garden, and Chik-Fil-A within 4 years of my life, wow!

Also, it recognized online dating for 1 out of 8 people have met online. Surprisingly, I have met a past boyfriend online and my friends can say the same. I feel online dating is growing in the world because people are more comfortable to approach someone on the web rather then in person. In addition,it's easier to physically express their feelings through text.In Conclusion, this video is very knowledgeable and can be used as an ice breaker in technology classes and even history classes.

Mr. Winkle Wakes By: Mathew Needleman


Today, we have so many technologies that appear difficult to the average human. In my opinion, many people feel that in order to utilize these technologies, they must be doctors and engineers. Therefore, when Mr. Winkle awakes he notices people using web cams to speak to people half across the world. He notices hospital machines keeping people breathing.

However, when Mr. Winkle arrives at school it's still operating like it did a 100 years ago. The students are passive for they take notes and listen to the teacher. There's no involvement from the students; there's no feedback! This satirical video should be viewed by old and new teachers that are against technology. Hopefully, it would open their eyes and bring them to reality. If more teachers are trained to utilize new technology, there would be more impressive test scores, greater enrollment in college, and more college graduates.

Importance of Creativity By: Ken Robinson

art work

Ken Robinson is very humorous throughout the video as he discusses how schools are lacking behind on creativity. He define creativity as original ideas that are made from seeing things/ways differently. He feels creativity is just as important as literacy. However, in school, arts are at the bottom of the education hierarchy. Which is true because in high school, dance ,for example, was considered a elective not an actual core class.

Lastly, Ken Robinson expresses that the education system needs to nurture creativity rather than undermine it. I totally agree with him because I have a friend that's awesome in the arts area. However, her parents and our high school counselor suggested that it's best she have a back up plan because she'll never receive a job in that area. Those type of opinions should never be expressed for they only discourage others. As a future teacher, I hope to help students academically and with their creativity rather than show favoritism towards one.

Cecelia Gault(Young Students in Finland) Interviews Sir Ken Robinson

Finland students

The United States needs to step it up for Finland had better grades in Reading, Science, and Math. Their drop out rate is less than 1 percent, while the Unites States is 25. During this video, Cecelia Gault does an impressive job interviewing Sir Ken Robinson. Her questions are intelligent and on a much higher level than questions her United States' peers would've asked. So why is Cecelia and Finland's students more successful?

Finland's students and teachers are technology literate! As a result, in order to ensure our students have an excellent education as Cecelia,. We need to remember that younger people understand and can relate to technology. Therefore, we should utilize it within class lectures and assignments. We must have a balance between the Science and Art curriculum. Lastly, we need to remember there's various definitions of intelligence for Sir Ken Robinson explains that intelligence is making sense of what's around you.

Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts By: Vicki Davis

world plugged in

First off, I'll like to say a job well done to Vicki Davis! Throughout the entire video, every single student appeared enthusiastic and ready to learn. I want my students react the same way to new technology. Vicki Davis explains that everyone can't learn with only pencil and paper. This could be one reason why there's only a select few that graduate at the top of their class.

Next, I like the fact that she uses new terms and has the students define it from the web. She doesn't just hand them everything with directions, instead she lets them discover new things. Also, she uses Flat Classroom Project, where the students learn new technology trends by interacting with students across the world. She has really inspired me and I plan on empowering my students with technology.


  1. Thanks for combing your post. You really seemed to get the metaphor of Mr. Winkle's story.

    Great work, once again!

  2. Hello Sherrele,
    You have been a very busy person. I am 32 and have only had six jobs. I agree with you about Did You Know? being a good icebreaker, but how did you feel about the fact that technology is growing so fast?
    I also think you hit the money with Mr. Winkle Wakes. I believe that people are scared of technology. I feel that if we are going to give students a chance to reach their full potential, than we as teachers are going to have to utilize the technology at our disposal.
    Since I think that part of our assignment is to let each other know when we think we see a mistake, I should tell you that in paragraph one on Ken Robinson I saw something that read strange to me. You put "how schools are lacking behind in creativity." Maybe " how schools are lacking in creativity" would have been a little easier to follow. I also agree with not showing favoritism towards one thing that a child does but to nurture all their talent.
    I have one more question for you. Where did you find the art that you used in your blog? I am new to all of this stuff and would love some tips on how to find creative pictures for my future posts.
    Good job on this post. I look forward to reading more of your work through the semester.

  3. You are right! Hats off to Cecelia for a job well done.

    And hats off to you as well. Well done.
