Monday, June 27, 2011

Blog Post#9

back to school

"What I've Learned This Year" by Mr.McClung

In "What I've Learned This Year,"Mr.McClung discusses the things he's learned through his first year of teaching. In my opinion, it's like a mini guide to surviving the first year and not making so many mistakes like past teachers. First,he admits that a lot of teachers do not make their lessons centered around their students. Simply because they are too worried about the content they have to teach, rather than if their students actually understand the lesson. Next, he's discusses that it's okay for your lesson plan to not go smoothly. I feel more teachers should accept that because as a student, I can remember teachers rushing through lectures to keep us caught up with the other classes. Teachers have to understand that everyone isn't going to learn at the same speed. Patience is the key.Lastly,besides being patience,we must be good listeners. Many teachers think they know it all and will never accept suggestions from their students. Mr.McClung learned that his students felt he cared for them when he listened. Basically, everyone can learn from one another regardless of age differences.


  1. Sherrele,

    I definitely have to agree with you! Mr. McClung's post gave some good advice that you and I can use as new teachers one day. I don't know about you, but I especially felt like the part about how lessons need to be focused more on the students than the teacher's superiors was something I was kind of surprised by and certainly something I should remember.


  2. Hurrah! You added some spaces after commas and periods. But not enough.

    Last week Mr. McClung posted his third annual reflection. I think they get better and better. It will take only 5 minutes or so to read the 2010-2011 What I Learned This Year I highly recommend it!

  3. Sherrele,
    I can relate to having teachers who have not planned their lesson around their students, and instead of taking time to ensure that everyone is caught up, they move right along through the curriculum! When I tried to talk to them about being behind and completely lost, I was pretty much shot down. I would have loved to have been in Mr. McClung's class though! He understands, as you said, that everyone can learn from one another regardless of age differences. There's no reason to count someone out- young or old! Great post :)
