Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Comment 4 teachers #2

kids playing in grass

Teaching as a dynamic activity

June 12,2011,Capture the flag
The teacher starts off describing his night as a grown up. His wife and him didn't utilize their laptops till their son went to bed. Indeed, before that, they spent the entire day outside away from technology.Later, he describes a day as being a child; the day he played Capture the flag. He reminisces on the fun he had without technology. They stayed outside climbing trees,running,and hopping fences.Life was good!I'm only 20, but I can totally relate. Hopscotch and jump roping was my expertise.Sadly,today as I drive through my neighborhood,I don't see much of that and kids are getting younger by the day with iPhones.

June 16,2011,Contextualizing Value-added
In this post,the teacher discusses how in the "standardized testing world" only certain things matter.Those things are covered by a certain test.His problem with the system is that teachers are expected to bring certain values.Therefore,he lists his proposal.First,teachers choose at least one of their goals for students to study each year.Second,Professional development days are dedicated to teachers being able to research how they might promote their chosen goal.Third,teachers identify how they will track progress concerning their goal.Finally,teachers will summarize results.I love the fact that he's challenging the testing system.Teachers don't have to agree with everything that they are required to do.If teachers were able to asses their students on their desired content,parents would receive much better feedback on their children.Like the author states,the key here is giving teachers choices in how and what they improve.

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