Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blog Post#8

social media

Richard Miller:Part one and Part two

First off,Richard Miller's imagination is far beyond mines and I highly respect him for that.While everyone simply writes down their dreams through text,he wants to display them through the web.One day he hopes to change from a reading/writing culture to a listening/watching culture.The desktop will now be the workplace not the library.

Through incremental changes,Miller explains that our students can collaborate through text,images,and film on the web.Indeed,their final product will be documents that are printable,visual,and filled with sound.With multimedia,we can produce alternative versions and distribute them,globally.Lastly,Miller explains that there are three necessities in order for this to work.We need inspiring teachers,inspiring spaces,and inspiring pedagogues.

Personally,after watching this video,I feel rather intimated.I feel I won't instantly grasp the usage of writing with multimedia as Miller has.While this is rather scary,it motivates me at the same time to learn as much as possible about the web.I'm positive,once I receive guidance,my students will enjoy the assignments I will have them partake in through the web.It's useful to utilize the web because the material is updated constantly.In addition,with iTunes U,students can download lectures and information worldwide.By doing this,they can receive various knowledge on a particular subject.

Blog Post #12 By Carly Pugh

I personally love this Carly Pugh's ideas for her future classroom.I love her idea of utilizing YouTube by requiring her students to create a playlist.Many children may complain about the time it requires,yet in reality it's benefiting them.Indeed,it's intriguing and makes you really think.I went through her links that led me to a variety of videos that interest her.Many grasped my attention.One was "When I Grow Up."It's a video that has children state what they want to be.One child expressed that they wanted to spend money on wine and women as their dad did.Another child wanted to gamble their money away.Basically,this video shows that we have a huge influence on children.Carly Pugh's has a similar passion for using multimedia as Richard Miller possesses.They want their students to display their ideas through the web rather than through a five paragraph essay like most classrooms.

Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies

The Chipper Series
and EDM310 for Dummies were two eye opening videos.While watching The Chipper Series,I though to myself "I definitely don't want students like Chipper."Chipper felt procrastination should mean that it's okay to turn lesson late as long as it's done.Also,Chipper complains because she doesn't want to do work,but to be taught.No student should view learning in this way.They should want to learn through work and a hands on approach.In the EDM310 for Dummies video,the message I received from it was anyone can make i through difficult classes such as EDM310.You just have to work hard,stay focused,and accept help/advice.I enjoyed both videos and I would love to contribute to a video that inspires students to accept others that may appear different.It would take place in a minority school like a Vietnamese school.Here,an American student would enter this school and be ridiculed for being different;not knowing the language.At the end of the video,the American student would discuss their experience and mixed feelings.Hopefully,this will help the dominant group understand what minority students are going through.

Learn to Change,Change to Learn

In this video,teachers describe modern day where many students use networking sites,emails and instant messaging to communicate with others and express their thoughts.However,these are all banned inside the school.Learning is experienced through technology,museums,the community,and in the classroom.In addition,the video explains that standardized testing won't be useful with our students' careers.Simply because their careers will require them to be bilingual,find and validate information,and collaborate with their coworkers.

I personally feel students need to be shown the luxuries of using technology and the never ending information that can be founded on the web.However,it's going to take more than just the teacher to make a change.We need parents and the community to utilize technology and the web for the better.Once everyone hops on board,the benefits will be endless.


  1. I have been fascinated that you use no spaces after periods and commas. Is tis the result of being a master at SMS? You really should use them in blog posts! And proofread. You have a lot of careless errors.

    Your video sounds great. Do it! There are enough Vietnamese groups around. Maybe not a school but some other group.

    "...the luxuries of using technology " Not just a luxury!

  2. Sherrele,
    I also think that is a great idea for a video and I am proud to see that some of you are thinking of assignments outside of what you are assigned! The more you actually want to do in this class, the more you will learn, I believe. I am also glad that you enjoyed my blog post! I definitely recommend trying writing with multimedia because it helped me to add links and buttons to other posts and projects. It was good practice and I think having a YouTube playlist on my account helps me to look back at the videos and remind myself why I want to be a teacher. College can be so stressful! But we have to keep our goal in mind :)
    See you in the lab!

  3. Hey Sherrele, I agree with you on what you had to say about everyone being involved utilizing the technology. I also agree with what you had to say in your Carly Pugh post. Kids will always be fascinated with technology. They will find more enjoyment in making a video about what they want to be rather then writing it down on a piece of paper. This will also enhance the child's creativity skills and encourage them to show their personalities.
